Logistics Terminology Defined
Is your business looking to outsource your logistics? Are you reviewing your options for offsite warehousing? What is “Cross Docking”? What does “inventory management” mean? Could your business benefit from “Pick and Pack” services? Summer may soon be upon us, but the Boyd Ottawa Logistics Services Solutions 101 class is now in session!
Let’s first begin with inventory management; a lack of space will limit the amount of products a business is able to keep on hand. In its most simple form – Inventory Management can be defined as the processes and procedures that a business uses to order, track and ship the products they sell. Many online businesses that offer physical products to clients may not have their own physical location to store their inventory at all. Boyd’s expansive warehouse offers space to solve this issue, and our inventory management services (such as Remote Inventory Monitoring, Kitting, Cross-Docking, Pick and Pack) help your business manage the inventory more efficiently.
So, let’s break it down further; What do these terms mean and how can they affect your business?
Boyd Inventory Solutions
What does Remote Inventory Monitoring mean?
Our state-of-the-art logistics software makes your Boyd-based inventory fully accessible and visible to you whenever you wish—day or night, 365 days a year. Log in and check inventory, create orders and generate reports from anywhere in the world using your laptop, tablet, iPhone or Android device.
Boyd Kitting Service
Kitting represents the pre-assembly of individual items into ready-to-ship kits. We take time to meticulously package and shrink wrap the shipment and retain for safe keeping until you are ready for redistribution to your clients.
What is Cross Docking?
Reduce labour costs, improve time from production to end-user, and eliminate the need for warehouse space. Boyd can off-load your inventory via one of our many loading docks and place it into our staging area. Then we’ll provide notification of shipment arrival and when pick-up is possible.
Boyd Pick and Pack Service
If your business offers items that need to be broken down into individual shipments for your clients, Boyd’s Pick and Pack Service may be for you. When we receive your items,we break down the items and prepare your product in cartons for individual shipments. If multiple shipments come in with the same product, we make sure they are received in the same area. We also store these items until your customers’ orders are ready to ship. We then prepare (pick and pack) for shipment on your behalf and send them out.
Boyd – Service You Can Count On
At Boyd we simplify your moving and storage experience. Save time, Save Money. Grow your Business. Learn more about the logistics arm of our brand and schedule your free, no obligation strategy call with Boyd today!