What to Consider when Choosing a Storage Facility
Over time we all tend to accumulate ‘stuff’ (which can be placed in various categories such as clothing, counter top appliances, gadgets, furniture/decor items, etc). As we mature and evolve through this wonderful thing called life however our needs, tastes and obligations can shift, which means that something that was once viewed as a necessity to have is no longer the case. This doesn’t mean that you just part with the item though (especially if it holds certain sentimental or actual financial value to it). Knowing the best ways to properly store your items in a professionally regulated storage facility will help them maintain their integrity until you need it again.
Choosing the right facility to meet the specific needs of storing items is important. Here are some things to consider when choosing where and how to keep your ‘stuff’ effectively stored:
How Safe is the Facility?
The level of protection the storage facility offers is probably the single most important aspect when you’re choosing a self-storage unit. Understandably, the security and safety of your valuable items should have a higher priority even than the amount of the monthly rent. After all, it doesn’t make much sense to pay less for storage if you don’t have a decent guarantee that you’re going to find, if at all, your stored goods in the condition in which you left them there. Let’s face it: you don’t need the security level of a maximum security prison but you don’t want a storage facility without the basic precautionary measures either.
How Far Should My Self-Storage Facility be Located?
Here is another key question when you’re choosing the right storage unit for you. The distance to your self-storage facility does matter but the more important puzzle to solve here is how often you will need to have access to your stored items. If you need your stuff on a regular basis, then choosing a storage facility that is far away from your home doesn’t make a lot of sense. Think of all the time you will waste on the road and the additional expenses for fuel which can really hurt your budget in the long run? And what about the wear and tear of your own vehicle? On the other hand, if you know you will rarely need your stored items, then selecting a self-storage facility outside your local area can be a good choice, especially if that long distance storage facility satisfies your strict requirements. Besides, most self-storage facilities of a more rural nature tend to offer bigger discounts and just better conditions as a whole simply because they don’t have to compensate for the big city overheads. Either way, take the distance to your storage facility in serious consideration before your final decision.
What Type of Self-Storage Access Do I Need?
Not every self-storage facility can be accessed 24/7. Some people may be content with a standard weekday access or access on demand, but that type of accessibility may not be enough in your particular situation. If accessibility is an essential factor for you, you need to know upfront how often and at what times during the day or night the storage facility can be accessed and see if its business hours fit your own schedule. Think about the scenario when you need a stored item urgently and you just can’t get to it until a day or two later due to the limited hours of operation of your self-storage facility. That is just not good for you, is it? (Joshua Green, mymovingreviews.com)”
At Boyd Moving & Storage we provide the perfect storage facilities to meet all of your particular storage needs. From climate control to 24/7 security monitoring and nightly patrols, we are the perfect place to help provide your home with extra space. Contact us to find out more about our services and how we can help!