The Family Connection

Being comfortable is important when it comes to certain decisions that have to be made throughout any given day. Of course, the weight and consideration given for some decisions can outweigh others; when it comes to choosing the company that is going to help you move your family or business to a new location, trust is important.

The careful handling of personal/meaningful items is something that we don’t take lightly. Our close knit family atmosphere is one that is built upon respect and trust which is gained and earned over a long period of time. We view those that we are privileged enough to help as an extension of our Boyd family; whether you’re a dignitary or have a more community based position and any and everything in between, you will be treated the exact same way..with love, care and respect.

As we inch closer toward Canada’s 150th anniversary celebration it’s the perfect time for everyone to examine the relationships around them and embrace the ones that help to improve their lives and promote positive movement. Read more about our company’s history and contact us for all of your moving and storage needs. From our family to yours, we wish everyone a safe and Happy Canada Day!