Pre-Move Tips
Coming up with a moving schedule can be difficult especially when you are trying to juggle your daily life routine; from work to family, adding packing to the list can be hefty. The following tips can help keep you organized, and hopefully help keep you sane before your big move day. Sometimes we take the little things for granted, and forget to keep things simple.
Start Early: This may seem obvious, but don’t you remember those school days when our parents used to tell us to stay early for a test, and we never listened? We’re all guilty of saving studying until the night before to cram it all in before the big test. The same is true with packing. We tend to say we will start early, and everyone tells us we should start early, however we usually end up packing a couple days before, and this can cause undue stress. So start early. Starting early will also help you organize your stuff around the house or office, make sure you have enough boxes and labels, and have time to clean up. Packing is also a great opportunity to donate or throw away old or unwanted items around the house. If packing just isn’t your thing, we can help!
Designate a Packing Room: instead of having boxes all around the house or office, pick a designated room or area in the house or office where all the packed items can go. Having this area for placing what has been packed already away, makes life easier so you don’t have to keep going through and by all the boxes around the house or office before you move. You can pack what you need, fill up the box, and then put it aside and mark it done. You won’t have to go near it until the actual moving date. Also, try not to pack to heavy in your boxes, and also make good use of the space in your boxes and avoid packing air.
Label on Two Sides: This can be a game changer when it comes to finding things. Having the labels on both sides of your boxes will make it much easier to find certain items you may need to find last minute, or even when it comes to unpacking. You will know where each box goes, and in the event that a box is tucked away or hidden under all the other boxes, you won’t have to move them all around just to see the label that was facing the wall. Now you have labels on both sides so you can see whether its facing the wall or not!
At Boyd your Ottawa moving and storage professional, our aim is to help make your moving experience as smooth and seamless as possible. Learn more about our moving services and contact us today!