Optimizing the Move of Your Business

We’re happy that we’re able to offer different moving and storage services to a very wide and diverse demographic. We also recognize that the needs of individuals and larger groups/organizations are different.

When it comes to businesses that are relocating there are certain considerations that should be made in order to facilitate the most seamless and effective move.

Determine Your Budget
If you have a specific budget amount assigned for your move, it will be important to identify costs before you hire movers, or even before you pack the first box.

Gather Your Team
For medium to large offices, appoint someone from each department or division to coordinate their particular area. It could be assigned to the department supervisor or manager who can then ensure that each employee takes responsibility for their desk, files, and personal items. For smaller offices, you may be on your own. If so, identify a few key people who may be able to help with coordinating the move (and can work alongside the moving company). Your team can also assist in identifying current issues with the old space and provide possible solutions for the new office. It is a great way to incorporate other viewpoints and to achieve consensus on the move if some are not quite excited about the change.

Contact List
You’ll need to make sure that everyone you do business with, both suppliers and clients, know that you’re moving. It’s a good idea to assign this task to one person to oversee.  Notifying customers and clients requires specific communications around where you’re moving to and how the business will operate during the move. Such information is essential to ensure your customers don’t go elsewhere for your services.” (Diane Schmidt, thespruce.com)

Here at Boyd we will work closely with you to facilitate the most effective move for your business as possible. Read more about our commercial moving services here.