11 Helpful Tips For Moving With Cats

Moving with cats can be stressful for both you and your kitty. Cats are creatures of habit who love routines and consistent environments. The hustle and bustle of a big move can create a lot of anxiety for your feline friend. Not to worry, moving with cats is easy when you follow the 11 tips we share below.

1. Try to stay calm

Your cat can sense when you’re stressed and this will add to their anxiety. Put your cat at ease by managing your own anxieties: go for a walk, meditate, exercise, breathe. When you’re able to remain calm, your cat will be able to relax too.

2. Keep the cat carrier out

For cats, a carrier can symbolize everything they hate most. It’s usually the first sign that they’re going to the vet or moving to a new and unfamiliar environment. That’s why it’s important to help your cat create positive associations with their carrier before moving day.

You can do this by putting the carrier out a couple of weeks ahead of time and filling it with their favourite toys, blankets and treats. Before you know it, your cat will be seeing their carrier as a safe and happy place.

3. Stick to a routine

Cats love routines. Try to keep their daily rituals consistent in the days leading up to your move. Indoor cats are especially sensitive to changes in their schedule so be sure to make their days as predictable as possible.

Cats also pick up on your routines. For example, they know what time you go to work, return home, eat and sleep. It may sound creepy, but your cat is watching you! Maintaining some of your daily habits will help prevent your cat from panicking.

4. Update your cat’s I.D.

No matter how many precautions you take, there is always a risk of your cat running away on moving day. That’s why we recommend updating your cat’s microchip or I.D. tags before you move.

After all, you don’t want to accidentally leave your feline best friend behind as you start your new life. Make sure your little furball doesn’t get lost in the shuffle by keeping their identification up-to-date.

5. Create a safe room

When it comes to moving with cats, creating a safe space is key. Designate a bedroom or bathroom as a kitty haven on moving day.

Their safe room should have everything they need to feel comfortable including their litter box, carrier, food, water, toys, and blankets. Be sure to place a note on the door so movers know not to enter the room.

6. Use a feline pheromone spray

Feline pheromone sprays have been clinically proven to reduce stress-related behaviours in cats. They work by mimicking comfort-signalling pheromones that cats produce naturally. You can place a pheromone diffuser in your cat’s safe room or use a spray in specific areas such as their carrier.

7. Consider sedatives

If your cat is especially anxious, consider asking your veterinarian to prescribe a mild sedative. Sedatives may also be the best solution if you’ll be taking your cat on a long car or plane ride because a long-distance move can be very stressful for cats.

8. Prepare for the car ride

Many cats don’t like car rides. Thankfully, you can make the journey as safe and stress-free as possible by planning ahead.

Feed your cat no less than three hours before travel. In the car, keep them in their seatbelt-secured carrier.Never put your cat in the trunk or cargo space.

Again, you might want to use pheromone spray to put them at ease. If you’ll be in the car for more than six hours, remember to bring a disposable litter box.

9. Use a kennel or pet sitter

When possible, leaving your cat with a trusted pet sitter or kennel is a great option. This will allow your cat to avoid the chaos of moving day altogether.

They’ll be able to arrive at their new home feeling safe and relaxed because they didn’t have to experience the stress of moving house.

10. Provide a safe space

When you arrive at your new home, you’ll want to keep your cat away from the commotion by creating a safe room.

Just like the safe room at your old place, the cat haven in your new home should be stocked with kitty comforts like treats, toys and their bed. Make sure you keep the door and windows closed so that your cat can’t make a run for it.

11. Slowly show them around

It’s natural for your cat to feel timid in their new home at first. Try to introduce them to their new surroundings slowly, ideally room by room.

This will give your cat time to adjust, while also allowing you to supervise them. Be especially careful about allowing your cat in the kitchen and utility room as they may get stuck in small gaps.

Moving with your cat will be worth it

Moving with cats may be difficult, but it’s worth it. Just like a home, a cat is a long-term commitment. With a little bit of effort you can make the move a happy and stress-free experience for your cat.

Hiring professional movers will help make the transition go as smoothly as possible. Request a moving quote.